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10 Witchcraft Tools for the Closet Witch

As a closet witch, I know how important it is to have the right tools for your witchcraft. While you may not be able to perform spells in plain sight, there are still plenty of ways to enjoy your craft without having an alter set up. And despite what many people think, you don't need any fancy or expensive tools to be successful at witchcraft.

Here are 10 of my favorite tools for the closet witch:

1. A journal - A journal is a great place to record your thoughts, spells, and rituals. It's also a great place to store any notes or information that you may need for your craft.

2. A pendulum - A pendulum can be used for divination, but it can also be used to detect energy fields and diagnose health problems.

3. Candles - Candles are a must for any witch. They can be used for spells, rituals, and meditation.

4. A wand - A wand is a great tool for directing energy. It can also be used to cast spells and perform rituals.

5. Incense - Incense is a great tool for a number of reasons. For one, it helps to purify the area in which you're working. It also can be used to attract energy, just like a candle.

6. Crystals - A lot of witches who use tools swear by crystals and stones. I've found that they can be really helpful in focusing energy and attracting certain types of energy.

7. A mortar and pestle - A mortar and pestle is a great tool for grinding herbs and spices. You can also use it to make incense.

8. A candleholder - There are a number of different styles and shapes of candle holders, so choose one that will match your style.

9. Herbs, spices, and essential oils - These are a must for any witch. They can be used for spells, rituals, and healing.

10. A chalice - A chalice is a cup that is often used in witchcraft to hold water or wine. It can also be used to hold other things such as herbs or oil.

What are your favorite tools for the closet witch? Let me know in the comments below.

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7 commenti

19 feb 2022

I made 2 wands, one for and with my daughter. She thought it was just a cool craft to do!

Mi piace

27 gen 2022

I love my diffuser as I place oil blends in not only to help purify my space but to add to my workings. I use it during ritual baths to help my senses align.

Mi piace
19 feb 2022
Risposta a

Good idea!

Mi piace

26 dic 2021

My Athame and wand I made myself.

Mi piace

26 dic 2021

I do love my wand.

Mi piace

23 dic 2021

A spray bottle

Mi piace


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