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Witchy Wednesday Activity

Welcome to another Witchy Activity Wednesday! Every week, we post a new witchy activity for you to try out. This can be anything from writing prompts and spells, to rituals and meditations. Our goal is to provide you with some fun and easy ways to stay connected to your spirituality, and to help you on your witchy journey.

This week's activity is all about finding the magick around you Witchy Scavenger Hunt. Get ready to embark on a magical journey in nature, whether it's at a local park, your apartment complex, or even your own neighborhood, get out into nature for a little while. Find representations of the elements and spirit to ignite your witchy spirit:


As you wander through the chosen location, keep an eye out for anything that connects you to the grounding energy of the Earth. It could be a beautiful stone, a patch of lush green grass, or even a tiny plant peeking through the cracks. Embrace the stability and nurturing vibes of the Earth element.


Look for something that evokes the fiery energy within you. It might be a vibrant flower, a flickering flame, or even the warm rays of the sun shining through the trees. Embrace the passion, transformation, and creative spark linked to the element of Fire.


As you explore, keep an eye out for anything that captures the essence of the breeze and the breath of life. It could be a feather gently dancing in the wind, the rustling of leaves, or even the sound of chirping birds. Embrace the element of Air and feel the inspiration, communication, and clarity it brings.


As you continue your adventure, keep an eye out for anything that connects you to the fluidity and emotions of water. It could be a small stream, a raindrop on a leaf, or even a serene pond. Embrace the element of Water and feel its cleansing, intuitive, and healing energy.


Spirit represents the divine essence that connects us all. This might be the most elusive representation to find, but keep your heart open and your senses keen. Look for signs of synchronicity, a feeling of being guided, or even a sense of peace and unity. Embrace the presence of Spirit and feel connected to the divine energy that surrounds us.

Once you've found each representation, take a moment to reflect and express gratitude for the elements and spirit that have joined you on this journey. You can even create a small altar with your findings, allowing their energy to continue to inspire and guide you.

Once you have all your treasures, take a picture and share them with 13 Moons community members over on the community forum.

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