Author. Crossroad Witch. High Priestess.
"I am who I am. Witch. I give honor to those who have gone before me. To those who carried it as a burden, I cry for you. To those who carried it in joy, I dance for you. Most importantly I remember."
Taren S. stood in her first magickal circle at 17 yrs. old in the backwoods of North Carolina. She was initiated as a High Priestess within American Witchcraft in 1995. Along the East Coast, she has stood as HPS at many large festivals and gatherings. In 2001, she stood as Raymond Buckland’s HPS at GoddessFest in New Orleans. At Phoenix Phyre’14 she was HPS for the main ritual. Her original coven has hived off several times since forming over 20 years ago.
For over a decade, she has worked at a Haitian Voodoo Priest’s botanica (shop) as a spiritual counselor and professional tarot card reader. Furthering her magickal and spiritual path, she was initiated as a Mama Bridget within American Voodoo.
She has recently moved to the San Diego area with her husband, 3 dogs, and a black cat with an attitude.
Please contact Taren S. at
One of Taren's greatest wishes is to pass on knowledge of our small Witchcraft Tradition of magick to the next generation, and to make this happen she has written several books on crossroads witchcraft, magickal recipies, hoodoo, and so much more! You can purchase these books in our Shop

You can also hear directly from Taren herself from her youtube channel House of Witchcraft!
Witchy folks tips, recipes, insights and after hours secrets! The House of Witchcraft is a Crossroads Witchcraft tradition celebrating the balance of divinity (light and dark). We embrace diversity and inclusion.