Taren S

2 min

Shadow Work Prep

As we enter the season of spring, it's time to start thinking about giving our minds, bodies and souls a good cleaning. Just as we clear out the physical clutter from our homes, we need to declutter our inner lives as well. This is what shadow work is all about.

Shadow work is the process of bringing the subconscious parts of ourselves into consciousness. It’s about facing our “shadow self,” or the unconscious thoughts and feelings that we normally keep hidden from plain view. Through shadow work, we can get to the root of our issues and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and what drives us.

Shadow work prep for spring involves taking the time to identify the areas of ourselves that need attention and growth. We can do this by journaling, meditating, or engaging in conversations with trusted friends or mentors. Whatever we choose, it’s important to be gentle yet brave as we explore our inner worlds.

The goal of shadow work is to uncover and heal any wounds or limiting beliefs that are keeping us from living our best lives. Once we’ve identified and addressed these issues, we can move forward with renewed clarity and purpose.

As you prepare for shadow work this spring, remember to remain open-minded and most importantly kind to yourselves. Remember you are still worthy. This is a process of uncovering the parts of ourselves that might be difficult or uncomfortable to face, but you are strong and capable of overcoming. With the right attitude, shadow work can be incredibly rewarding and transformative. So let’s take a deep breath and start this journey together!

Happy spring cleaning!

More resources from the House:

Dancing With Your Shadow Workbook

Also check out the below blog posts:

Good luck witches and of course if you have any questions post them in the comments below.
