Taren S

1 min

Witchy Activity Wednesday 6/15

Updated: Jul 10, 2022

Introducing Witchy Activity Wednesday. A weekly series of witch activities (writing prompts, spells, rituals, etc) to help support your spiritual journey. This week's activity is about.....

This weeks witchy activity is all about... journaling. We all know how important it is to document and keep track of our thoughts, goals, and progress- especially when it comes to our spiritual practice! This week, take some time out to write down everything you've been working on lately. What goals have you set for yourself? What progress have you made? What challenges have you faced? How have you grown?

This is a great activity to do at the beginning or end of each month or even during specific moon cycles and sabbats, to really reflect on everything that's been going on and how far you've come. If you find yourself struggling to get started, here are some prompts to get you going:

-What spells or rituals have you performed recently and what were their results?

-What new techniques have you been trying out?

-How has your spiritual practice changed or evolved over the past little while?

-Have you had any breakthroughs or realizations lately?

-What challenges have you faced and how did you overcome them?

-What goals do you want to set for yourself in the near future?

-What are you proud of that you've accomplished recently?

No matter what you choose to write about, just take some time to document your journey- it'll be so rewarding to look back on later!

Looking for some pretty BOS pages check out the Houses freebies and as 13 moons members you have access to additional Bonus Printables.
